I sometimes cant believe the things i do.hold on tight to your chair otherwise you are gonna fall off laughing at me.
I kind of got hooked onto the korean television serial that is being aired on channel U at 7.Its called "princess hours".So instead of faithfully waiting to catch every episode that is aired,I wanted to go and get the dvd especially after andrew told me that his sister had the dvd with ENGLISH subtitles.So today,I decided to go to HMV and pick up the dvd after gym.
I cant read chinese and so i picked up the dvd assuming it showed the drama series.And I thought that there would only be one such dvd.So,when I got home,I decided to watch it on my computer and lo and behold!
First of all,no ENGLISH subtitles.The whole disc is in korean and chinese subtitles.The subtitles arent even simplified chinese subtitles.But the subtitles simplified chinese or not is besides the point cos I cant read chinese for nuts like that.
Secondly,the dvd doesnt even show the episodes.Its a dumb dvd interviewing the actors of the series and like showing clips of the series,behind the scenes and bloopers.
So there i am sitting in front of the computer kicking myself,while my mouth is opened in exasperation at how stupid I had been.
ps:you can stop laughing now...