Monday, April 17, 2006

"why do you resent so much?just have to learn to let is too short to be bitter "
I realised recently,i have a lot of issues i had yet to settle.This caused a lot of resentment in me and made me very bitter and unhappy with everything around me.Caused me to be suspicious of how people saw me,of how friends treated me made me so insecure. Talking to Dave today made me realised something I should have realised so long ago.I have got to let go.Its not about numbing myself because when it the numbness wears off,the pain just gets worse.I just have to learn to let go.
The one thing he said to me that struck was this.He said to me "you are fighting yourself.No ones fighting you.Just you.You cant win so dun fight." I know,I have been struggling with so many things deep inside and today I just want to let it all go. To let go of all the hurt,anger and resentment because its hurting not only me,but the people around me.
He reminded me of something i said in my older posts."Let every goodbye be followed by a hello".Life goes on and I have to know how to move on too. To give everyone else around me a chance,to cut them some slack.I am going to try to let go, to look at life less seriously.Of course not be frivolous towards life but to not be so uptight about everything.I dont know how I am going to do it.But I will.
Thanks dave.For not judging.You have been a great friend.


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