Thursday, March 16, 2006

Once in a while someone is bound to burst your bubble.

It was made official today by the driving instructor that I suck as a driver.It was put across in a rather diplomatic manner.After taking me out on the road and not saying anything and after a series of near mishaps.He pulled the car over and sighed.Then he said,you fall way behind compared to people in your age group.Then he sighed again and said,you have to do something about it or else you are just gonna waste your money.

It was such a wonderful start to the lesson.Admittedly,I know I am a rather poor driver, my psycho-motor skills are haywired.I must have been dropped on my head as a baby.But to be the poorest in my age group.Aye!It was such a terrible lesson,he had to bring me back into the circuit to practise my steering and apparently my techniques were all wrong.How nice.


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