Monday, April 24, 2006

"i beg to disagree. take it from someone whose heart's more broken now than it has possibly ever been before. You're better off not having loved at all."

A reply to my post about having loved and lost than not at all.

You know,admittedly,the idea of having loved and lost than not at all sometimes seems a bit too noble,a bit too romanticised.But if you think about it,when you have loved and lost,there had to be times during that period that you told yourself you teasure forever.Of course no one can understand the heartache you are going through now.Outsiders can only begin to understand.But i think the only consolation and the beauty of it all is that we will learn to love again one day.Its really hard to say anything because i know when heart broken,one becomes very cynical.When it comes to love,you have either the cynics or the romantics.No in between.Admittedly,I am in no position to talk about love.


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