Friday, October 21, 2005

I am feeling old,anti social and like life is just one huge big grey sign that says monotony.Somedays are just such a routine for me that revolve around the same 3 places.Camp,home and the gym. I know it just seems like the natural progression of life that everyone is caught up with their own problems and own busy schedules.It doesnt mean that anyone stops being your friend.But I am finding it hard to accept that there days where I have to be a lone ranger where its just me and my ipod.And honestly its a struggle.I dont know why its a struggle but it is. Sometimes,being alone can be rather depressing.Although after having to move around alone,you get used to it that sometimes crowds are too much to handle.

Nowadays,life has lost its allure and its attraction for me.I am hardly motivated to do anything.Everything i do is for the sake of getting it over and done with.I am hardly even motivated to write or to think or to make changes.Talking to becks always helps and I read a post in her blog.Its called think of pretty things.How life used to be so pretty.Sitting in the void deck in the morning with a bowl of duck porridge was pretty.Adrenaline rushes no matter how stressful made life so fulfilling.

For me,the beauty of life has be eroded together with the innocence of youth that we all had in school.I honestly mourn the passing of the innocence of youth because it gave me so much zest for life and made me feel like life had so much to offer.But thats all gone now.

Sometimes its the memories that keep me going.The memories of staying back in school late to rush revision or to have meetiings.The various class gatherings,council gatherings and SJIs.Like becky says,its thinking of those pretty things.

Right tank is running on empty and I dont know what to do to fill that void.


Blogger jian said...

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9:37 PM  
Blogger jian said...

tim! haha. things are pretty in life everywhere. you do not know how pretty it is to walk down to a minimart or how charming a lonely bus ride is standing up or sitting down. picturesque is everywhere. just leave town for a while haha.
change your playlist. go meet new people. even the smallest of change can make your day a lot better. smile. staying young is a priveliege that you earn by looking at the everyday through new pairs of glasses.
cliched and corny- yes
true - yes

9:41 PM  
Blogger tim said...

Jian!Hey!Hows indo?You seem to be having lots of fun there?Haha.Sometimes i do enjoy being alone.But there will be times when you wish you had someone to keep you company.Yeah.I agree.We should all change our environment once in a while to change our perspective or to get a fresher view on life.You are getting older and wiser eh.haha

1:29 PM  

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