Wednesday, September 06, 2006

There is no point explaining because you will never understand.The reason why I rather face my computer screen and my friends is simple.I feel that you will never understand whatever I say.The reason why half the time I choose to stay out of the home is because the silence is defeaning and dont ask me why I dont bother because it should be rather obvious.There is no communication.You think you know me,but you dont.Dont insult me by trying to insinuate that I am running away from what I have to do.I have gone through more and I know how much I can go through.All I ask is for something so simple and you have to make it such an issue.
Some days,I just feel this immense darkness and resentment.Sure,I may be out of line or it might be completely unjustified considering how other people have much bigger things to worry about.But I am only human.Take me for who and what I am.If not,dont even begin to understand me.


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