Friday, November 12, 2004

Studying versus shopping

I am damn sick of studying already. It is just becomming the bane of my exsistance and leaving me in the social life rut.The only consolation is that everyone else is also least some people.Did I mention I think the layout is a bit on the gay side?haha

Everywhere is having sale now and I really need to go buy some clothes.All my stuff is like worn so many times.I know people think I am damn metrosexual or whatever but I only wear t-shirt and jeans.How boring right?And I really need new clothes.

Talking about shopping Wing Tai Clothings sent me a few vouchers to use at their stores.Quite good discount.But their conditions suck.For a 20bucks voucher you have to spend a min of 80 bucks in a single receipt and it expires 2days after my exams end.Dont understand why they are so stingy with their discounts.What kind of brand loyalty are they promoting?Maybe I shall go get a suit from topman for prom.But I think everyone will go buy a suit from there.By the way...JOSHUA LIM, you still owe MY Topman card.


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